What if you could communicate with your higher self to gain guidance, clarity and initiate spiritual & personal growth?
Connecting with your spirit team through a reading can help you get clear on where to focus your energy for an accelerated journey of personal and spiritual growth.
We are living in uncertain times where big shifts are happening and uncertainty, lack, and worry are all around us. It can feel overwhelming to know which direction to head in, what steps to take, or where to focus your energy. But your spirit team knows you and knows the next steps to take. They want us to succeed, be full of joy every day and live in our highest expression of self that we can.
Let’s connect with your team and answer questions that you have.
Why Get A Reading?
Readings can help gain transformative insight in many areas in your life.
Gain clarity about your life’s direction and purpose.
Connect with passed loved ones for guidance, closure and healing.
Find peace in knowing where to focus your energy and what areas to focus on.
Unlock personal and spiritual growth through discovering where your own intuitive gifts and healing abilities are and how to learn how to use them.
Become more open about the possibilities of everything.
How do Intuitive Readings Work?
Intuitive readings can be done from anywhere in the world! Time and distance does not diminish the power and energy of the readings. And in a few simple steps I am able to ground our energy and create a protective container for us to work in and invite your spirit team in to help answer questions and bring through information.
You book a time for us to meet that is convenient for you.
Prepare some questions if you would like, or we can ask what the universe and your guides would like you to know in this moment.Be open and let go of expectation.
Every reader is unique. Each one brings through information in a different way. Stay open to the messages in the moment and let go of any expectations that it is going to be a certain way.During our call, I’ll do a quick exercise to help ground our energy and invite your team in.
Once your team is present we can start asking questions and the information starts to be channelled through. Having a live call allows you to ask follow up questions or get clarity on items if it isn’t clear to you. Information can come from angels, ancestors, guides, loved ones who have passed on, pets, or even ethereal beings or extra-dimentionals.Healing and transformative energy is felt during the reading.
It is rare that a reading doesn’t include some personal healing, a-ha moments of clarity, or insight and awareness that you have been striving to receive but weren’t quite able to connect all the dots on your own. This is my favourite part about holding space for someone and bringing through channelled messages. I can feel the shifts when they happen and they are so powerful!After the reading I will send the recording to you and further shifts are felt.
Often the energy of a reading can continue to shift for several days or weeks. New awareness and insights create space for synchronicity, a lightness in the soul and motivation on your path forward. It’s like a GPS coordinate update for your life’s path. It can take a moment to get your bearings but then you start to get forward momentum again.
You're only a few clicks away from connecting with your sprit team and loved ones!
30 Minute Mediumship Zoom Reading
A 30 minute mediumship reading to connect with loved ones or pets who have crossed over.
$75.00 CDN
30 Minute Zoom Reading
A 30 minute Zoom meeting to connect with your guides, ancestors, and spirit to bring through messages for you.
$75.00 CDN
45 Minute Zoom Reading
A 45 minute Zoom meeting to connect with your guides, ancestors, and spirit to bring through messages for you.
$144.00 CDN
About Tara Joy, your Soul Guide.
I have always been intuitive and open to the belief that we are more that what we appear to be. My awakening happened very quickly. Like a light switch suddenly my gifts were present and my energy was open. I have worked with mentors, fellow empaths and energy intuitives to practice and hone my gifts. We each bring through information and move energy in unique ways. I offer intuitive readings, energy scans, past life readings, and energy healing sessions.
If you feel drawn to me and my energy I would love to do a reading and bring through messages for you.