What is light language?
Light language is a form of energetic communication that is believed to originate from higher realms of consciousness, such as the angelic, galactic, or spirit realms. It can take many different forms including tones, written symbols and signs, verbal communication, and drawing symbols in the air.
Light language can be spoken, sung, chanted, written, drawn, danced, or performed in any other creative way. It is often used in spiritual, healing, or ceremonial contexts, where it is believed to facilitate connection, transformation, and alignment with higher states of consciousness.
Light language transmissions
Intuitive Energy Healing
A 60 minute one on one virtual healing session to identify any energy blocks, and use light language transmissions to move the energy. Once it is in your awareness, the energy is ready to move.
$111.00 CDN
Recorded Audio Transmission
A recorded light language transmission sent to you via email. Listen to the transmission as many times as you like on a daily or weekly basis.
$44.00 CDN
Starseed Soul Blueprint
The starseed soul blueprint is an intuitively channelled unique piece of art using mixed media art supplies. I channel light language codes specific to your soul’s energy to illustrate your soul symbol and activation codes.
$222.00 CDN
Light Language Art
Light language art is channelled from guides and intuitively created on canvases, as prints, and as crystal grids.
$various CDN
What does light language sound like?
Depending on who and what the transmission is for, I find it can be very different. In some cases a very deep earthy sound can come through or a light sing song type transmission. The person receiving the transmission determines the sound, cadence, ad frequency of what comes through.
In this short video you can hear a short light language transmission for helping ground your energy. Grounding can help in times when you feel overwhelmed, have a floaty or out of body feeling, or are focused on the past or into the future. Grounding brings you back into alignment and into the present moment.
About Tara Joy,
your channeler.
I have always been intuitive and open to the belief that we are more that what we appear to be. My awakening happened very quickly. Like a light switch suddenly my gifts were present and my energy was open. I have worked with mentors, fellow empaths and energy intuitives to practice and hone my gifts. We each bring through information and move energy in unique ways. I offer intuitive readings, energy scans, past life readings, and energy healing sessions.
If you feel drawn to me and my energy I would love to do a light language transmission, and intuitive reading, or an energy healing session for you.
Visit my home page for local events and my bookings page for virtual offerings.