What is a starseed?

If you’re into spirituality or the spiritual sections of the web and social media you have likely come across the term starseed. What does it mean?

A starseed is a soul that has an origin on another planet or in another galaxy. The soul existed before earth was created. They have often had multiple (sometimes millions) of lifetimes before they incarnated on earth.

These souls are likely here on earth to bring in a higher perspective of consciousness and allow more heart centred energy back to earth. They are often healers, therapists or work in areas of humanitarian focus to better the experience and joy on earth.

The most common traits are that they feel like outcasts, they have a different perspective on everything and they approach solving problems in a different way. The amount of times I have heard ‘I would not have done it that way’ is hilarious. I used to feel awkward when I heard it and now I celebrate it.

Starseed soul origin

There are millions of starseed soul origins and some most common ones are Pleiadians, Sirians, Mintakan, Lumerian, Lyran, Orion, Andromedan, and Atlantean. And more and more being discovered every day.

Some souls will resonate more with one than another. However, there are some starseeds who have spent multiple lifetimes as many different types of starseed.

To find out this information you can access the Akashic Records and gain information about these past lifetimes. If you’d like to chat more about being a starseed or find out more information from your guides book a reading with me.

Are you a starseed?

Most souls are starseed souls but not everyone is meant to remember those timelines or that origin for the work they are here to complete in this lifetime. If you have had encounters will ETs, dreams of galactic nature, astral travel during your sleep and truly feel like you are from another planet, you are likely a starseed.

Also, the fact that you are here reading this would likely make you a starseed!

Starseed language or light language

Often starseed are able to channel or speak light language. This is a future and past language of light. I say future and past because it is a multidimenisonal sound healing modality that accesses the energy of now, before and after at the same time.

I hold space for starseeds to remember (re-learn) this celestial frequency of light in an eight week class. If this resonates with you, you can learn more about the class here: Galactic Activations: Unlocking Light Language for Starseeds.

Have more questions?

If you have more questions feel free to reach out via email or book a session with me.

Tara Joy

Tara Joy is a starseed who channels light language, and energy healing methods including sound healing.


February Energy Forecast Update 2024